Grooming Services


“The Distrikt” - Haircut


Our standard hair cut with a razor finish.

“The Distrikt Plus” - Haircut & Beard


Our Men’s haircut using clippers and scissors followed by a silky smooth razor finish on the neck and a beard trimmed to perfection.

“The Experienced Gentleman”


Our full haircut for 60 & over.

"The Speak Easy"


Our most luxurious grooming package which includes a full haircut with razor finish plus "The Steampress" hot towel shave.​

"Beard Trim & Lineup Combo"


This package includes a beard trim along with a lineup/cleanup of the hairline around the neck and ears followed by a razor finish.

“The Little Distrikt”


Includes a full kids cut for 12yrs and younger. Polished off with a lollipop of course!

"Platinum to Prime" - Haircut & Color


Includes a haircut and a coloring to remove or tone down those grey hairs that have shown up.

"The Signature"


Our "Signature" haircut with our manager and master barber Matt.  Matt goes above and beyond to make sure that you will receive exactly what you are looking for with suberb consistency each and ever time. He is in high demand due to the level of excellence he brings but if you can book with him it is highly recommended. 

"The Signature Deluxe"


Our "Signature" haircut & beard package with our manager and master barber Matt.  Matt goes above and beyond to make sure that you will receive exactly what you are looking for with suberb consistency each and ever time. He is in high demand due to the level of excellence he brings but if you can book with him it is highly recommended. 

Ala Carte Services:


Includes two cleansing shampoos with a light conditioning head massage.


The service to get between full haircuts. Includes trimming the perimeter lines of the back of the neck and around the ears.

Beard Trim….$20.00

Includes trimming and line up of your beard followed with our beard balm leaving the beard hydrated and super soft to the touch.

“The Steam Press”


A luxurious hot towel shave including a relaxing face and head massage OR a beard trim with the added luxury of hot towels and a head and face massage.

“Ear & Nose Wax”


Keep those pesty hairs away significantly longer with a wax that will keep you looking youthful and well groomed.